Posted tagged ‘New Hampshire Avenue’

Follow Up: Crosswalk Beacons Now Installed @ Otis/New Hampshire

August 24, 2010

As I suspected, the solar-powered crosswalk beacons scheduled for Otis Place and New Hampshire Avenue were installed yesterday.


Petworth Median Planting Looks Great

July 11, 2010

Rain was unable to dampen the spirits of those who volunteered to plant the New Hampshire median between Randolph and Shepherd.

Among the new plants adding beauty to the neighborhood are yucca, Russian sage, creeping juniper, coreopsis, and sedum. These plants were chosen in part because they are  drought tolerant.

I’m sure there are still opportunities for volunteers to get involved. Anyone wanting to know more about the medians can send an email to


Median Beautification Coming to Petworth’s New Hampshire Avenue

July 2, 2010

Median on the 3900 block of New Hampshire, NW

Petworth residents who walk along New Hampshire Avenue will have noticed that the medians on the blocks closet to the Metro station have recently been mulched. However, according to area resident Jeff Green, there are much more exciting plans in the works.

The medians on the 3900 block of New Hampshire Avenue (between Randolph and Shepherd) have finally gotten approval to move forward with plantings between the trees and work is scheduled to commence on July 10 from 8 – 12. The project was made possible due to a grant from the ANC 4C for the plant material. Tom Cater from Terra, Inc. (which is based in Petworth / will be donating the mulch.

Profile of planned plantings between median trees

Buckets and funnels are also available to anyone who is willing to adopt 2-3 trees and water them on New Hampshire Ave. during the summer months.

Depending upon future funding and community support, the long-term plan is to increase median beautification by about one to two blocks per spring/summer.

Volunteers for either can get involved by sending an email to

Plan view of plantings between trees, indicating yucca, Russian sage, creeping juniper, coreopsis, and sedum


CVS Falls Victim to Graffiti

June 16, 2010

Over the weekend the soon to open CVS was “initiated” into the neighborhood in the form of graffiti/tagging. Graffiti continues to be a problem in the area.

The area defaced in this instance was along New Hampshire Avenue near the rear of the building. People may recall that Rock Creek Market also had tagging problems when they were renovating for their opening. You can see the extend of the tagging in the images below.


Then and Now: Homes Along New Hampshire Avenue

April 2, 2010

Row of houses on the northeast corner of New Hampshire Avenue and Park Road, May 1910

The homes located on the east side of New Hampshire Avenue just north of Park Road are celebrating their 100th anniversaries this month. At the time of their construction, the area they were built on was cited by the Washington Times as an excellent example of the rapid metamorphosis of the northwest section of the city beyond the lines of the old Boundary (Florida) Street.

Real Estate ad from the Washington Times, April 16, 1910

The area bounded by Park Road, Georgia and New Hampshire Avenues was then known as Steiger’s subdivision and the Weems tract. When Columbia Heights was first placed on the market this acreage was purchased by Ernest Steiger, of New York, and Mr. Weems, founder of the Weems line of steamers running between Washington and Baltimore. While subdivided, the properties were held intact until the rapidly expanding city reached their limits.

The homes on the east side of New Hampshire Avenue between Park Road and Otis Place were built in 1910 by Mr. Dunigan. They were described as being in the Spanish style with roman brick fronts and having large porches.

Below is how the homes look today.

Houses at New Hampshire and Park Road, April 2010


New Trees on New Hampshire Avenue

March 25, 2010

Continuing on with news of new trees planted in the area, Petworth resident R. Mandle reports that we have newly planted trees along the median on New Hampshire Avenue between the Metro and Grant Circle.

While the biggest challenge ahead of them will be keeping them watered for the next couple of years, should all the trees planted in the last couple of years survive, Park View and Petworth with be much greener places to be.

To that end, if you know of an area that’s missing trees and needs them replaced there is no time like the present to get them on the list for next year’s planting.


Median Work on New Hampshire Completed

October 14, 2009

New Median on New Hampshire Ave.The medians on New Hampshire between Sherman and Georgia Aves. appear to be complete, including new sod.

Which leads me to this question … if anything were possible with the median, what would you choose? Plant trees in the median? Plant bushes in the median? Or, leave it alone and let it be sod? Remember, if trees were planted there the neighborhood would have to take some responsibility to keep them watered during the first two years.

Tree Watering Time Again

August 27, 2009

NH Tree WateringHere’s a reminder that anyone with time or interest can help water the trees on New Hampshire Avenue again this Saturday.

Watering will begin about 7 a.m., and volunteers can meet by the sculpture at the Metro. If you have any questions, you can contact Jeff Green or Carol Herwig.

Weekend Tree Watering Call for Volunteers

August 13, 2009

Jeff GreenThe trees on New Hampshire Avenue, a block east and west of the Georgia Ave/Petworth Metro, need to be watered again this Saturday.

The call for volunteers was very successful last weekend. If you have about two hours of your Saturday morning you can spare and you love trees, consider helping out the neighborhood and getting to know some of your neighbors a little bit better.

Watering will begin about 8 a.m., and volunteers can meet by the sculpture at the Metro. If you have any questions, you can contact Jeff Green or Carol Herwig.

New Hampshire Tree Watering Successful

August 8, 2009

NH Tree WateringThe All Hands on Deck call to water trees this morning was successful. Including Petworth organizers Jeff Green and Carol Herwig of Casey Trees, a total of six residents from both Petworth and Park View showed up to water the trees.

Watering started at 7 a.m., and due to the strong turnout, we were able to be drinking coffee at Qualia Coffee by 9 a.m.

During the dry summer season, watering needs to occur about once a week. If you have time and would like to assist with the watering in the future, you can contact Jeff Green or Carol Herwig.
NH Tree Watering
