The Old Soldiers’ Home Park Rd Gate … Closed Since 1955

Closed Soldiers' Home gates(Image from the Feb. 2, 1955, Washington Post)

The gates into the Old Soldiers’ Home located at the intersection of Park Road and Park Place closed for the last time on Thursday, January 27, 1955. The main reason for their closing was the construction to the south on the Washington Hospital Center, which had necessitated the closing of some roads within the Soldiers’ Home grounds. About a year prior to the closing of the gate at Park Road, the construction had also closed the South Gate at 1st Street and the East Gate at Harewood road.

Below is the same view today. Permanent curbing and fencing was ultimately installed removing the most obvious signs of the former gate. Bushes and other plants have been allowed to grow up which obscure the view of the gatehouse.Park Rd. Gate to the Old Soldiers' Home (closed)
Other than the gatehouse, the other hint of the former gate is the ornate 19th century wrought iron gate posts framing the former entrance. They’re easy to miss unless you are already aware of them. Photo of one of the gate posts with some detail shots can be found after the jump …
Gate post, former Park Rd. entrance to Old Soldiers' Home
Gate post, former Park Rd. entrance to Old Soldiers' Home (Detail)
Gate post, former Park Rd. entrance to Old Soldiers' Home (Detail)


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5 Comments on “The Old Soldiers’ Home Park Rd Gate … Closed Since 1955”

  1. Cliff Says:

    Another great find, any idea what year they closed the gate at Rock Creek and Randolph?

  2. Kent Says:

    That I don’t know … but I’m happy to dig into it.

  3. IMGoph Says:

    it’s a damn shame that this isn’t opened back up, but the federales never go in the direction of openness…

  4. […] Stopping at the intersection of Park Place and Park Road before turning west, this would be an ideal location to address the use of the Soldiers’ Home as a public park before the gate was permanently closed in 1955. […]

  5. […] The Soldiers’ Home is a gem and one that many residents would like to see greater access too. When the surrounding neighborhoods of Park View and Petworth were constructed, the grounds were open to the public. By the 1920s restrictions on use began to appear and with the creation of the Washington Hospital Center in the 1950s (built on land originally belonging to the Soldiers’ Home), the home began closing access to the home to prevent drivers from cutting through the grounds. This included the closing of the Randolph Gate in 1953 and closing the Park Road gate in 1955. […]

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